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What is a chakra?

Updated: Apr 7, 2018

In yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, chakras are spinning vortices of energy within the body. The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language meaning wheel or disk.

The 7 main chakras run from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. Each chakra has it's own vibrational frequency as well as color. Each one also has a role in balancing some aspect of these life force energies.

Psychologically, the chakras correspond to the major areas of our lives: Survival (root chakra), sex (sacral chakra), power (solar plexus chakra), love (heart chakra), communication (throat chakra), imagination (3rd eye chakra) & spirituality (crown chakra).

When a chakra is opened and balanced, your body has a healthy input and output of energy. When a chakra is deficient, it is in need of some sort of positive stimulation in order to cope with adverse reactions. When a chakra is over stimulated and trying to remove imbalances, it can have a wide range of overactive emotions and undesirable energy.

Crystals help to rebalance and energize the chakras

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