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Practicing Love in these crazy times

Do you feel anxious? Worried? Scared? Helpless? You are not alone. I've lost sleep wondering & worrying about this virus, and how to protect myself and my family from contracting it.

I pray for my friends and family that are working during this pandemic. They are our saviors.

Practicing love during this time requires us to not only love ourselves, but to know how our actions impact others. Maintaining good health and staying inside puts less stress on the healthcare system and also helps prevent the spread.

During this time we can practice Ahimsa (non-violence) - being mindful and careful with our thoughts and words, creating less panic and anxiety.

Take a break for a few minutes every hour to do this metta (loving kindness) practice I learned from Lion's Roar:

1. Put your hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths

2. Silently repeat: May I be safe & healthy & free from fear

3. Think of someone in the medical community & offer these phrases to them: May you be safe & healthy & free from fear

4. Finally, consider all beings, and offer the same to them

As I practice this, I feel less anxiety and fear. Together we can all create less worry & fear, and create more love.

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